Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I learned this out about rhabdo and thought it was very intriguing.

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rhabdo by mattroibecon912005

rhabdo 1 by mattroibecon912005

Sunday, November 8, 2009

umami definition

Its been in the reports today so you might hear rather a lot about umami definition in the following days.

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umami definition has been in the newsworthiness today so i thought you may require to read about it here.

Image courtesy of http://www.umamithefifthtaste.com/

OK, chefs – how bizarre is it that nobody seems to know the definition of umami. “Earthy”? C’mon, Eli (hey, that’s almost a song). “It’s not salty, it’s not spicy, it’s not sweet, it’s not sour – it’s…umami”. Bzzzzt! Sorry Mikey, almost doesn’t cut it. Our judges would have accepted “savory” or even just “yummy”, plus, it’s bitter, not spicy as one of the 5 basic tastes since you’re Greek, not Asian. You lose 500 points. But everyone seems to know that mushrooms are one of the classic umami producers (hence Eli’s apparent conflating earthy with savory – sometimes they happen to intersect if you use fuzzy logic, I suppose).

Tyler Florence is approaching Florentine proportions – hey dude, time to lay off the butter sauces.

Poor Jen is under the weather. Slamming doors, looking baleful, puttin’ on the ole game face in the QF.

Slot machine! Didn’t see that one coming.

Mike Isabella proceeds to list off every type of cuisine that he’s cooked, which is most of the famous cooking styles, adding “I’ve never really cooked Asian food before”. Dude, how do you not have cooked Asian food before? Really? Icelandic I can see. Asian? Not so much. And Kevin, same thing. How does a modern chef not have any experience with Asian?

Ashley used sumac for her Middle Eastern dish! You go girlfriend! Sumac is one of my favorite little-known spices (at least little known by many Americans). Glad to see someone make a culinary connection on the fly.

So Mike, even though he can’t define it, does a good job with his umami, while Eli killed the umami…but let’s not confused that with “He killed”. He didn’t. And Kevin pulls through cooking something that he’s not familiar with (so he says, at least).

So we get the Macy’s Desert Day Parade of Chefs. The chefs, all loving that they got a free trip to Vegas, are holding bags of ingredients for a family style pot luck dinner under the desert sky.

And it turns out that Isabella is even more of a dickwad than he’s previously indicated. Not only does he take charge of a cuisine that he knows nothing about, he sulks and pouts and is just generally creepy. No way is this guy going to go all the way. And the elves are cutting it so that it looks like he and Robin will be on the chopping block (I’m typing this in real time with the help of DVR pause). there are two ways that this could go – Robin could go home because she didn’t stand up to him, or Mike could go home for being a prick. The former is more likely, but equally likely is that he accidentally lets her help enough to save his and his team’s butt. Hell, he didn’t have a clue about any of the ingredients (a bag that would have made me jump up and down for joy – it’s umami heaven!

Enter Tom. “Prawns over gnocchi”? I had the same quizzical expression on my face that he had. Just what I want, take a prawn and scoop some gnocchi with it. Huh?

Oh Mike, did you just hang yourself with Tom? I think he’s got your number. That won’t save Robin if she wilts under his “I can cook and I’ll pull it out” attitude. Of course, the fact that it ’smells good” is an encouraging sign. Wouldn’t it be choice if they happened to be on top and he chose Robin as the winner because of something that she did? Hee.

“Ever prepped over a glass table before”? I was hoping that Ash would say, “Well, I’ve chopped some coke on one before”. Sadly, that doesn’t happen.

Cooking, cooking, bitching, real estate grabbing, fuses blowing (literally and figuratively), chopping, kvetching.

Turns out that Mike and Robin pulled out the one scenario that I didn’t outline. Middle of the pack.

The winners were obvious, the losers were too. Jennifer wins by some sick cooking (literally). Some nice attributions from fellow cheftestants.

Brother gets testy when discussing his brother’s predicament. Testy is as testy does.

Ash takes the high road, which wins him some style points. Ashley also takes the high road, which doesn’t win her anything at all.

In fact, Ashley gets the axe.

Ashley, take your Mr. Ripley good looks and go.


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Friday, October 30, 2009

koi pond

The place for koi pond news and koi pond information

Koi ponds are the king of fish ponds. What exactly is a koi pond and what are koi? A koi pond is a pond that is built strictly for koi, which are Japanese hybridized carp. Some people mistakenly think that koi are oversized goldfish, but that is not the case at all. Though both koi and goldfish are from the carp family, koi are identified by their whiskers, which goldfish do not have. Koi can also get much larger than goldfish.

Breeds of Koi

There are many different breeds of koi and all koi breeds come in all sorts of different colors. Some of the most common and favorite breeds of koi include the following:

1. The butterfly koi which is more popular in the United States and Europe than in Japan. The butterfly koi is actually a cross breed between the traditional Japanese koi with the Indonesian long fin carp. The common characteristics of the butterfly koi include the long trailing tail fins and side fins. Butterfly koi come in many colors ranging from yellows, oranges, and reds to blacks and different calico colors.

2. The doitsu is another unique breed of koi. Like the butterfly koi, this koi is also a cross breed, but with the German leather skinned carp. The German leather skinned carp was originally bred for eating purposes, not as an ornamental fish, but when mixed with koi, you get a koi with some blues and silvers. The doitsu is different from other koi because the doitsu does not have scales, like other koi do. The doitsu has instead the leathery skin of the German leather-skinned carp.

3. The asagi is the breed for those who like the traditional Japanese koi. The asagi koi are usually blue-grey and some have a red underbelly.

a. The tancho is a hybrid of the asagi breed of koi. The characteristic of the tancho koi is the bright head patch on a white or silver fish.

b. The kohaku is the typical koi breed. These koi can be either red or red and white.

Other koi can be of all different kinds of colors. Some of the most beautiful koi are the ones that have the metallic look to them.

Building your koi pond

Building a koi pond is just like building any other pond. The only difference is that the koi pond has to be rather large. Koi are large fish. Though the koi that you can buy at your pond supply store for $20 to $30 might be about 14 to 16 inches, you need to keep in mind that these fish will grow and they will grow fast given the right environment. Koi can get to two or three feet in length. Sometimes koi have been known to outgrow their pond.

Typically, a koi pond should be more than three feet deep and more than ten feet wide and long. The rule for a koi pond is the bigger, the better. Koi get big and need room to swim. Furthermore, many people think that koi need special attention, but that is not the case. Because koi are carps, they can coexist in the same pond with other goldfish also. What is needed, however, is good filtration.


Filtration is very important, not only for koi, but also for other pond fish as well. What you need for a fish pond in general is a moving water feature such as a water fall or some type of fountain that is powered by a pump. The motion of the water aerates the water. This is very important, because the fish need oxygen, otherwise they will suffocate. Attached to the intake of your pump, you should have a good filtration system. The most common filtration system is in a box that is known as a skimmer. A skimmer works by having a box with a weir window being two-thirds out of the water. Behind the weir window is a basket that catches any kind of floating debris such as leaves, tree pollens, etc. Beneath the basket is the filter media. Filter media is a porous fibrous material that traps the fish's excrement.

Biological Solutions

Biological solutions can also play an integral part to keeping your koi pond healthy. When you have a koi pond or a fish pond of any kind, you are creating an echo system and you want this echo system just right for the fish to survive. The biological solutions are usually different bacteria that are found in natural ponds and bodies of water. These bacteria are harmless to the fish, other animals and humans. These bacteria have a range of functions in the pond which include dissolving the muck that accumulates in the filters, keeping the water clear and dissolving decaying matter. Bacteria also help in denitrifying the water of nitrogen that forms nitrates which are highly toxic to the fish.

Aerating Systems

Aerating systems are important as well. There are a large variety of plants that are underwater plants which help aerate the water. Furthermore, when you have koi in your pond, you will learn quickly that koi are beautiful colorful vandals that chew all the plants in the pond and therefore the need for mechanical aeration arises. All you need is a simple aerator which is an air pump that is connected to a transparent flexible pipe and attached to a porous stone that dangles under the water. The stone should be about halfway under the water and is usually suspended by a Styrofoam floater.


Koi, like other carp, are cold, hardy and with the proper equipment your koi can survive all winter outside. Clearly, in the colder climates you probably will not have the water features running so there is no filtration. That is also no problem, because the fish are cold-blooded and as the temperature drops below 47 degrees Fahrenheit, the fish will usually stay at the bottom of the pond and move very less, therefore use less oxygen. For the winter, several things are needed to keep your fish alive.

1. A floating heater is needed to keep a small hole in the ice. It is very imperative that your pond does not freeze over. Ice can cut off the oxygen into the pond and the carbon dioxide that the fish exhale will not be able to escape out of the water.

2. A mechanical aerator keeps a steady flow of oxygen in the water and allows the fish to breath. Just because the fish are hibernating does not mean that they are not consuming oxygen. They don't consume as much as in the summer months, but if deprived of oxygen, even in the winter, they will suffocate and perish.

Feeding koi

Feeding your koi, like goldfish, is seasonal. There are special diets for koi, but many of the so-called high nutrient koi pellets should be used sparingly. If you put too much fish food in the pond, you will end up with an algae boom. This will cause your pond to become murky and sometimes even smelly. The best food for koi and goldfish is the Tetra Pond Sticks. This is a common brand found in most of your local stores and has the right amount of nutrients needed in the summer. These foods as well as the specialized koi pellets should only be fed to the fish from late spring to early fall when the water temperature is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. In the early spring and late fall, when the water temperature in your pond is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and above 47 degrees Fahrenheit, you should feed your fish a special fall/spring blend. In these times of the year, the water is yet too cold for the fish to properly metabolize and will produce more excrement than necessary, poisoning the pond. In the winter, your fish do not need to be fed.

A koi pond can be a lot of work for someone who does not have the time to take care of the pond, but for those who enjoy these gorgeous fish, a koi pond can bring years of fun for the whole family.

2009 Dong Zhan Zen Temple #7 - The Koi Pond. by ighosts

Koi Pond With Fountain by dalechumbley

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

larry holmes

Its been in the reports today so you might hear quite a lot about larry holmes in the coming daytimes.

When people talk about heavyweight boxing in the 1980's there's 2 definable periods for the division with 2 separate dominant fighters. With Mike Tyson dominating the latter half of the decade, it is Larry Holmes who took the first half and acted as king during the post-Ali pre-Tyson era.

Born in Cuthbert, Georgia, on November 3rd 1949 he made his debut in 1973 in a decade that is remembered as one of the most exciting heavyweight scenes history had ever seen, fighters like Ali, Frazier and Foreman dominated the decade whilst other top fighters were there or thereabouts. Fighters like Ken Norton, Ron Lyle and Earnie Shavers were the key challengers, though in almost any other decade they could each have had a decent title run.

After making his debut in March he had racked up 7 wins by December, a rather busy year by anyone's standards though this was the way that Holmes career often seemed. Despite only 3 fights in 1974 (totalling 12 rounds) they were again all wins, leaving him 10-0 inside 24 months as a professional fighter. 1975 made up for the lack of fights the previous year with 9 fights again winning them all 8 by KO. It was also in 1975 that that Holmes fought outside of the US for the first time, appearing on the undercard of the third Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight, better known as The Thrilla in Manilla, in the Philippines. This was possibly a form of thank you for Holmes who had previously acted as a sparring partner for Ali.

1976 was a quiet year again with just 3 fights for Holmes, which went a total of 20 rounds (2 KO's going 2 rounds and 8 and a 10 round decision). 4 fights in 1977 had left Holmes highly ranked and unbeaten with 26 straight wins. The following year changed his life completely though, as Ali lost his WBC and WBA titles to Leon Spinks, and Spinks deciding to rematch Ali the WBC title was stripped away from Spinks. Ken Norton was effectively given the title due to his in in an eliminator against Jimmy Young. In Holmes' first fight of the year he fought an eliminator for the WBC title against hard hitting and experienced fight Earnie Shavers (who had a record 54-6-1 with 52 KO's). Holmes won an easy points decision by 12 points on 2 of the cards and 10 on the third to be given a shot at Norton.

The fight with Norton (40-4) was fought on July 9th in Holmes' second fight of the year, in a close 15 round contest that was given to Holmes by the narrowest of margins (the scores were 143-142 twice to Holmes and the same to Norton on the third card for a split decision). It was to be the the start of the Holmes era that would last well into the following decade and his last close fight for a long time.

The reign started with 7 straight stoppage wins (1 at the end of 1978 and 3 in 1979 and 1980) before the proverbial torch was passed as Ali came out of retirement to face his former sparring partner at the end of 1980. The fight was a sadly 1 sided affair that saw Ali, a shadow of himself toyed with by the excellent jab of Holmes that so many other opponents had had their own attacks negated by. In the end Angelo Dundee (Ali's trainer) did the good thing and saved his man from a longer beating, though this was after 10 rounds. During the fight it repeatedly seemed like Holmes was unwilling to try and finish Ali instead asking the referee to step in Richard Greene seemed unhappy to do so as despite it being one sided Ali never seemed in genuine trouble of being harmed (the problem with having a rather granite chin).

1981 saw Holmes defend his WBC title over Trevor Berbick (the first man to take Holmes the distance after he won the title) before stopping Leon Spinks and the previously unbeaten Renaldo Snipes (who put Holmes down). 1982 saw one of the richest fights of the 1980's when Holmes the unbeaten black champion (39-0) faced the Great white hope Gerry Cooney who was also unbeaten (25-0). The fight was almost solely sold on the race element and had been been a tense build up, their hadn't been a white champion since Ingenmar Johansson had held the belt in 1960, and their hadn't been a white American champion since Rocky Marciano retired in 1956. Cooney was seen as the the best chance white America had of regaining the title until Holmes stopped him in the 13th round. It wouldn't be until Tommy Morrison in 1993 that a white American would hold a heavyweight belt.

After the Cooney fight Holmes followed it with a one sided beat down of Randall Tex Cobb, a beating so bad that it's often cited as the reason that Howard Cossell gave up commentating on boxing. The fact Cobb lasted the distance was more a case of him having an impressive chin and the referee (Steve Crosson) letting it go, as it could have been stopped plenty of times.

Wins over Lucien Rodriguez and Tim Witherspoon (the first close fight of Holmes' reign with Holmes winning a split decision against the previously unbeaten Terrible Tim) started 1983, these were followed up by stoppage wins over unbeaten fighters Scott Frank and Marvis Frazier (son of Smokin' Joe).

With the foundation of the International Boxing Federation in 1983 they had been relatively obscure since the break away from the WBA and in an attempt to gain to establish itself, it offered Holmes a chance to become their inaugural champion. In return he vacated the WBC title to take up the position as the IBF's title holder. He would make the first defence of this title against James Bonecrusher Smith (who would go on to be a future WBA champion). At the time the records of the fighters were 45-0 (Holmes) and 14-1 (Smith) a rather large disparity in experience and quality as Holmes stopped him in the 12th round (of 15).

1985 Started with a TKO victory (in the 10th) over unbeaten David Bey, he followed this with a victory over another unbeaten fight in Carl Williams (unanimous decision). This left Holmes at 48-0 1 victory short of tying Rocky Marciano's record of 49-0. Holmes' third fight of 1985 was against former light Heavyweight kind Michael Spinks, who was unbeaten in 27 fights (all victory's) and a gold medallist (in the middleweight division at Montreal in 1976).

In the Ring magazine upset of the year (1985) Spinks beat Holmes by a unanimous decision to end Holmes' streak and become the first Light Heavyweight champion to become World Heavyweight champion (Bob Fitzsimmons had done it the other way around 80 years previous). Spinks with his brother (Leon) also became the first brothers to hold the World heavyweight titles (though the Klitschkos became the first to hold titles at the same time). He was also the first Olympic middleweight gold medallist since Floyd Patterson to win a heavyweight title.

A rematch the following year was again given to Spinks (though it was a split decision), this lead to Holmes' retiring for the first time with a record of 48-2. The retirement lasted less than 2 years as he came back to face Mike Tyson who had become the first man to re-unify the then three world titles (WBC, WBA and IBF). Tyson was unbeaten with 32 wins and was being spoken about himself as possibly being able to beat Marciano's record. For the first (and only) time in Holmes' career he was stopped in the 4th round.

Another retirement followed before a comeback in 1991, 3 years after the Tyson fight, a string of 6 straight wins (including one against a then unbeaten Ray Mercer) had elevated Holmes to a position to fight for the unified WBC/WBA/IBF titles then held by Evander Holyfield. Holyfield would defeat Holmes via points decision but only by 4 points (on 2 cards) and 6 points (on the third).

After running up another 7 wins in a with out a loss Holmes was given another chance to win the title. He was put up against the Atomic Bull Oliver McCall the WBC champion who managed to win a close but unanimous decision (scores of 112-115, 114-115 and 113-114 all favouring McCall). This would be his last chance at the accepted titles, though 4 more wins over rather poor opposition lead to him getting a fight with Brian Nielsen from Denmark.

Nielsen had won 38 straight and held the lowly regarded IBO title at the time, Nielsen went on to beat Holmes via split decision over a decade after Holmes had originally retired. Ironically Nielsen actually did go 49-0 before losing via 10th round TKO to Dicky Ryan.

After that loss Holmes would fight but rather infrequently, having 4 fights between 1997 and 2002. The opponents here were journeyman Maurice Harris, former champions James Bonecrusher Smith and Mike Weaver who we're also well past their best. In 2002 though Holmes had his last fight, against Eric Esch, better known as Butterbean. Holmes would twin this then retire with a record of 69(44KO's)-6. At that point he was 52 years old.

Inside the ring it was his piston like jab that had made him such a force, out side of the ring though his mouth had often put the crowd off him. Comments regarding Rocky Marciano (after failing to tie his record) were the most infamous though other comments haven't helped.

In title fights, Holmes, otherwise known as the "Easton Assassin" went 21-5 with 20 straight defences during a career that spanned from 1973-2002.

Though Holmes may never get the full respect he deserves due to the fact he he wasn't as charismatic as the man before him (Ali) or as destructive as the man after him (Tyson). His reign was one of the most dominant (only Joe Louis has more defences of the heavyweight title in history) he beat a host of great fighters and he deserves the place in every top 10 heavyweight list. One of the most under-rated heavyweight champions in history who hopefully with time will get the recognition he deserves.

Muhammad & Larry post-screening Q&A w/J. Schaap, Larry Holmes, Albert Maysles, Pete Hamill, Bradley Kaplan by amandanyc

01-29-06-Larry Holmes' private parking spot-Z by Peachhead (Loretta Killian)

2004 pics_430 by jimwynn1954

04-10-05-Mural on LVRR station bridge S. Third St Easton-Z by Peachhead (Loretta Killian)

rudolph valentino

If you actually need to find out info about rudolph valentino then this is the blog that has it all

Rudolph Valentino by twm1340

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

soul pancake

There is a load of facts about soul pancake that you may or not find functional.

Soul Pancake feature! by ittybittiesforyou

Day 27: J's Pots of Soul by jantipuesto22

Breakfast of Champions by Bohnc

Multimedia message by lolololori

Pancakes and coffee at Lou Mitchell's Chicago by TheSeafarer

Memphis is a city that lives and breathes music. It is an important place in the development of the blues, gospel, jazz, and rock'n'roll. So if you're going to drive to Memphis, start by picking out your travel soundtrack. A few song recommendations include: Graceland, by Paul Simon; anything by Elvis, but especially Heartbreak Hotel and Memphis TN; Walking in Memphis, Mark Cohn; and It's Still Rock'n'Roll To Me, by Billy Joel.

There are tons of hotels in Memphis, and where you choose to stay will depend primarily on your budget. If you're looking for a place that is not scary, but budget-friendly, I recommend the Red Roof Inn. Rooms start at $41 per night. Book ahead either on their website, www.redroof.com, or by calling (901) 388-6111. There are stores and restaurants nearby, including Cracker Barrel for good Southern comfort food.

Set your alarm early to take advantage of the free admission walk-up time to the Meditation Garden on the grounds of Graceland. This is were Elvis and other members of his family are buried. Graceland parking is located at 3717 Elvis Presley Blvd, Memphis, TN, 38116. (Consult www.mapquest.com for detailed directions there from your hotel.)

If you want to tour the mansion and grounds, you can buy a ticket beginning at 8:30 a.m. beginning at $27. On the tour, you can see Elvis's home and 14-acre estate, many of his stage costumes and awards, and personal possessions. If you don't want to spend that much, the look around as much as you can when you go to the Meditation Garden (gates open for that at 7:30 a.m.). Walk across the street to the Heartbreak Hotel. Enjoy a quick look around at the memorabilia and Elvis tributes.

After enjoying your visit with the King (note that no one is allowed upstairs in his house-many claim this is because the King lives), go to the IHOP around the corner (1277 E Shelby Dr) for a pancake breakfast.

After eating, head to historic Beale Street to visit the Memphis Rock'n'Soul Museum, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institute. They tell the story of the birth of rock'n'roll and soul music, and have exhibits with costumes, instruments, and other information (including lots of music to listen to) about important musicians in these genres. Tickets cost $10. Find out more about them on their website www.memphisrocknsoul.org.

After leaving the Rock'n'Soul Museum, take some time to walk around Beale Street.

In Marc Cohn's classic song "Walking in Memphis", he talks about walking with his "feet ten feet off of Beale." This street has been an important gathering and performing place for gospel, soul, and rock'n'roll musicians since the 1800s. When he arrived in Memphis, Riley B. King started performing on Beale Street, and was nicknamed "the Beale Street Blues Boy". He shortened it to B.B., and became one of the most successful blues musicians ever. There's now a statue of him on Beale Street.

Make sure to stop by A. Schwab's Dry Goods Store at 163 Beale. It hasn't changed much since in opened in 1876, and still sells $0.99 neckties, voodoo and blues paraphernalia, and Sunday School Badges.

Occupying #315 on Beale is the Hard Rock Café. Don't bother eating there, but stop by to see their huge collection of music memorabilia.

There are tons of restaurants and bars on Beale Street, most of which have live music. Take your pick for lunch.

Just over 2 miles away, at 824 South Dudley Street, is the Elmwood Cemetery. It was founded in 1852 and spans over 80 acres. Over 75,000 people are burdied there, including suffragettes, blues singers, outlaws, politicians, millionaires, Civil War soldiers, and religious leaders.

If you have time and are there on the right days, here are three extra stops to make:

1. If you are in town on a Tuesday, the Memphis Zoo has free admission from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

2. The Brooks Museum of Art has free admission every Wednesday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

3. All day every Wednesday, the Shelby Forest and J.D. Fuller State Parks offer free admission.

Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel. The Motel has now been preserved and converted into the National Civil Rights Museum. Although they charge admission earlier in the day, admission is always free beginning at 3:00 p.m. Look on their website (www.civilrightsmuseum.org) for more information.

This is the home of information on the Nobel P{rize winning Civil Rights leader, the Civil Rights Movement, as well as exhibits on other pacifist activists, such as Gandhi.

Make sure you leave with enough time to get to he Peabody Hotel. At 5:00 p.m., their resident ducks will walk on a red carpet from the hotel's fountain to their rooftop home to the music of Sousa. This has been a tradition since the 1930s; see their website www.peabodymemphis.com for details and pictures.

After seeing the ducks and the posh Peabody Hotel, walk or drive around the corner (it's only 1/3 of a mile away) to the Gibson Retail Store. Located next door to their factory, the Gibson store has a wide selection of Gibson instruments and features a "relaxing play area" where you can try out your favorites. They're open until 6:00 p.m. If you have any problems finding them, give them a call on (901) 544-7998 ext. 4075.

After playing the beautiful instruments, hop back into the car to drive by the Pink Palace Museum. You can go in if you want, but even if you don't, it's worth seeing from the outside. The house, named for the pink stones used to build it, was the home of Clarence Saunders, who founded Piggly Wiggly in 1916.

There are loads of other wonderful places in Memphis to discover and explore, and I hope you enjoy your trip to the city of soul.

Monday, October 19, 2009

arcata ca

I was just studying this about arcata ca and thought it may make a solid post to my blog.

The Art Academy at HSU is an establishment that offers art lesson to children and youth ages 5 - 17. Children are taught not only artistic techniques, but also the cultural value and history that art provides. Creating new ways to artistically define the boundaries and influences of our neighborhoods, county, nation and world will be the focus of this year, 2005-2006, at the Art Academy. During the Fall term, although it has been cancelled, the focus was "Defining Our Neighborhood through Art". The students were to explore the creative influences and impacts of their families, neighbors, and community members and their inspirations were to come from stories and memories of past experiences that involve these people. During the Winter term, Jan 14th through March 4th, the focus will be "Defining our Nation through Art". The students will explore how their heritage and culture has been a creative influence for them and how technology has affected their artistic abilities. During the Spring term, April 8th through June 10th, students will be focusing on "Defining our World through Art". They will be exploring how other cultures and heritages have influenced their art and incorporating the influences from other cultures into their artwork. Art appreciation and exploration will be supplemented by a combination of different art media and building techniques.

The Art Academy hosts and Open House for parents and others to come out and get information about the program and schedule of current classes that are offered. For the Winter term, the Open House will be held on January 7, 2006 and for the Spring term, it will be held on April 1, 2006. All Open House events are from 10am to noon in the Art Building, room 24.

Classes are held Saturdays throughout the academic year and a two-week session during the summer in the Art building at Humboldt State University. Classes at the Art Academy are divided by age and level: Level I is for ages 5 to 6 and are from 10am to 11:30am in room 24; level II is for ages 7 to 8 and are from 1pm to 2:30pm in room 105; level III is for ages 9 to 10 from 10am to 11:30 in room 105; level IV is for ages 11 to 13 and are from 1pm to 2:30pm in room 24; and level V is for ages 14 to 17 and are from 3pm to 5pm in room 24. There is space for 12 students in each class and registration is on a first come first serve basis.

Tuition for the Art Academy during Spring, Winter, and Fall terms are $90 for levels I through IV and $105 for level V; there is a $5 additional charge for an HSU library card or registration sticker for those who are interested. Tuition is paid upon registration or according to a previously established payment plan. Partial scholarships are available to a limited number of students. This tuition will cover art materials, rental of studio space and teachers salaries. 

The Art Academy
Art Department
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521-8299 · 707-826-3819

Lost in the marsh by Just Neva

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

baltimore colts

There is a load of information about baltimore colts that you may or not find usable.

ESPN featured the Baltimore Colts band Tuesday in a film by Barry Levinson. The band stayed together for the 12 years from the departure of the Colts to the arrival of the Ravens, and even played a University of Virginia halftime in the late 1990s.
Sports Illustrated has an article on the band from the fall of 1986.

Baltimore Colts Band by 33rd Street Boulevard

Friday, September 11, 2009

world trade center attack

I was just studying this about world trade center attack and thought it would make a hot post to my blog.



I condemn any form of violence.

From the perspective of history ,it was a series of human struggle for survival. It was cause and effect:

World War II - the cause was that certain issue of WWI was not cleared.

Cold War - a continuation of ideology conflict after WWI

Conflict in Central Asia - an offensive action of Soviet ideology followed by defensive action of American allied (inclusive Iraq & Pakistan).
Religion fundamentalist arise as a result of Soviet Force & American Force presence in Central Asia !

Allied Force (30+ UN member) destroy Iraq (a UN member) !!!???

Why PRC & Rassia did NOT join Allied Force to attack Iraq?
Series of history events - a main reason.

Watch a documentary film, I would cry for innocient children and their parent who are suffering under the historical fate.

I can not change history.
Struggle for survival is continuing.
Nationa Service is continuing.
There is no red light!!!

September 11, 2009 10:26 AM


Whenever a passenser embark an airplane, security check such as scan your shoe, can your belt, scan your mobile phone check your body has inconveient us. Why?

A series of historical events!

September 11, 2009 10:42 AM


If not the presence of Soviet Force & American Force in Central Asia, we should have a better day - no Bali Bomb, no Jakata Bomb,
"Mas Salamat" does not exist.

Again, the cause was evil history and NOT "axis of evil" as what Senior Bush claimed.

September 11, 2009 10:58 AM


If not the Central Asia conflict, American will not supply weapon to Saddam Hussin (Iraq) to fight against Iran (Religion Fundamentalist).

Sadm Hussin later invade oil rich Kuwait.

It triggers American to spend 10 years to prepare an attack to get rid of Saddam Hussin (Iraq).


Later, PRC was buying oil with his huge foreign reserve.

Finally, Oil price reach at US$150/barrel.
You and me felt the heat of inflation !

US Builder can not survive with sudden higher business cost .
Demand of over expensive house drop.
Property price is droping.
Speculative buying and FI are in trouble of negative equity.
Financial crisis begin and spread to Europe.
Lehmen Brother go bangkrupt.
Aggreate demand go down and down.


If not American prepare for Iraq war and PRC's buying, oil price should be affodable and market is equalibrim. Your principal is still there.
There is no Hong Lim protest !

Evil history was a cause of your suffering if any. So sorry!

If you read INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (such book can borrowed from National Library), you can avoid many crisis!

September 11, 2009 11:43 AM

World Trade Center 9/11 Attacks.  by ALFRED BENWAY

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

mexico city airport

There are times that mexico city airport comes blogged about and if you need mexico city airport facts then this is the proper web logs for you to read it at.

Mexico City Airport with Vladika Dmitri by maeliza

100 miles in kilometers

There are times that 100 miles in kilometers gets blogged about and if you need 100 miles in kilometers information then this is the right web logs for you to read it at.

Western States 100 Start 4733 by casch52

The miles per gallon rating of a vehicle that can get energy from an electrical outlet is a difficult thing to accurately calculate and get the public to accept. Just ask AFS Trinity, with their “150 mpg” SUVs, or GM with its 230 mpg number for the Chevy Volt. Still, it’s valuable to have some sort of number to compare vehicles against one another, and Fisker Automotive has released the first such numbers for its Karma plug-in luxury hybrid: 3.5 liters per 100 kilometers (equivalent to 67.2 mpg U.S.) and CO2 emissions of just 83 grams per kilometer.

Q Full article, Source: AutoBlog

Tue Sep 8, 2:56 pm ET

BUENOS AIRES (AFP) – Argentina can lay claim to the world's largest crater field, a volcanic area in Patagonia known as the "Devil's Slope," according to a study released Tuesday.

Covering 400 square kilometers (154 square miles), the Bajada del Diablo field is peppered with at least 100 depressions left by the collisions of meteorites or comets 130,000 to 780,000 years ago, the study found.

"Each crater measures between 100 and 500 meters (yards) in diameter and is between 30 and 50 meters deep, which makes it the biggest such field in the world in terms of the size of the craters," said Rogelio Acevedo of the Southern Center for Scientific Investigations.

The study, published in the September edition of the journal Geomorphology, was led by Acevedo and Hugo Corbella, who first identified the field in the 1970s.

Thirty years later, the team obtained financing from the Argentine province of Chubut and the National Geographic Society to survey the field.

In terms of the number of craters, the field is only the second largest in the world after the Sikhote-Aalin field in Siberia, which has 159 craters.

"But in Siberia the craters are smaller," Acevedo said.

With just one impact of the size that struck Patagonia, he said, Buenos Aires "would be pulverized in a matter of seconds."

He said the field's craters, which are visible on Google Earth, are similar to those found on the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, making them worthy of further study.

They are well preserved because the remote sheep-raising region in which they are found is arid and sparsely populated, he said, adding that it will be necessary to protect it from tourists.

But Acevedo suggested, "this exceptional place could become a natural park."

Argentina has another crater field, called Campo de Cielo, in the northern Chaco province. There are only nine such fields in the world.

Article: HERE

Monday, September 7, 2009

giant rat

The place for giant rat news and giant rat information

A British scientific expedition to a remote rainforest in Papua New Guinea has discovered a new species of giant rat.

The Bosavi woolly rat is the size of a small domestic cat, weighing about 1.5 kilograms and measuring 82 centimetres in length from its nose to its tail.

It was discovered in the crater formed by the extinct volcano, Mount Bosavi.

Experts say the rat is the same as those found in any city’s sewers, only bigger.

Gordon Buchanan set up the infra-red camera which provided the first images of the animal.

“This is the biggest true rat in the world – unbelievable,” he said.

“It’s actually so big it doesn’t look like a rat … it just is incredible. This is a really significant find for the expedition.”

A couple of vaguely volcanic science news snippets from the BBC:

Giant rat found in ‘lost volcano’ – it isn’t really lost, it’s the extinct Mount Bosavi in south-east Papua New Guinea (John Seach has some information, and here’s an ESA image from 1992). The BBC has made a wildlife documentary there and found, among other things, a previously unknown giant rat, 82 cm long ‘with a silver-brown coat of long thick fur’, living at an elevation of around 1000 m within the crater.

Giant statues give up hat mystery – a team of archaeologists from the University of Manchester and University College London working on Easter Island have concluded that the big red hats atop those famous Easter Island statues ‘were rolled down from an ancient volcano … They pieced together a series of clues to discover how the statues got their red hats. An axe, a road, and an ancient volcano led to their findings’. The hats or topknots are made from red scoria, extracted from a quarry on Rano Kau volcano. The Manchester/London team are the first archaeologists to excavate the quarry itself, known as Puna Pau.

giant rat by dogfaceboy

Sunday, September 6, 2009

oklahoma sooners

There is a lot of information about oklahoma sooners that you might or not find usable.

BYU linebacker Coleby Clawson burst through the Oklahoma line in the final minute of the first half and flattened Bradford just as he threw an incomplete pass, pinning the junior quarterback on his right shoulder. The Sooners star writhed on the field in pain before leaving with his arm in an imaginary sling and the hopes of Oklahoma fans looking even more broken.

According to sportsinjuryclinic.net, a level 1 or 2 acromioclavicular joint injury requires two to three weeks of rehabilitation. More severe injuries can require in excess of three months rehabilitation.

Just moments before, the junior became Oklahoma’s all-time leading passer, eclipsing Jason White with his 7,938th passing yard. Then what was already a bad night for Oklahoma turned even worse.

The Sooners committed six penalties and committed a turnover in the first quarter alone and held just a three-point advantage at halftime. Its record-setting offense, which last year produced 716 points, managed a lone touchdown and was outgained by BYU by 81 yards.

Oklahoma already has one major injury on its hands. All-American tight end Jermaine Gresham isn’t playing after suffering a knee injury earlier in the week.

The injury also is an early judgment of Oklahoma’s rebuilt offensive line, which repeatedly let Cougar defenders through to their star quarterback.

Sam Bradford’s Shoulder Injured was first posted on September 6, 2009 at 10:30 am.
©2009 “News Trends“.

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Oklahoma Sooners vs. Kansas State Wildcats - Norman Oklahoma - 1980 by duggar11

Friday, September 4, 2009

nc state football

nc state football has been in the newsworthiness today so i considered you may wish to learn about it here.

#39 NC State Wolfpack

Now that it's the offseason, coach Tom O'Brien isn't quite as bold in his comments about North Carolina State as he was at the end of last season. After the Wolfpack won four in a row to end the regular season and become bowl eligible, O'Brien said his team was playing as well as any team in the ACC. As O'Brien prepares for the start of his third season at NC State, he merely says the Wolfpack are headed in the right direction.

"We can be better than we were a year ago," O'Brien says, "and the idea is to get better each and every year."

NC State returns most of the key players from the team that finished 6-7 with a loss to Rutgers in the Papajohns.com Bowl. The Wolfpack are strongest at quarterback, where ACC Rookie of the Year Russell Wilson will unleash his dual-threat skills as a sophomore.

Junior linebacker Nate Irving and senior end Willie Young give NC State two of the ACC's most disruptive defensive players. The Wolfpack have two proven senior running backs in Jamelle Eugene and Toney Baker, plus a bunch of experienced, talented receivers.

With seven returning starters on both offense and defense, there's no reason NC State shouldn't challenge for the Atlantic Division title.

"We've been around (O'Brien) long enough to learn the system and know what the coaches expect of us, learn how to practice and play like a championship team," Irving says.

#38 West Virginia Mountaineers

When West Virginia lost a couple games early last season, the mantra around the Mountain State was that new head coach Bill Stewart was given the keys to a Porsche — and steered it into a ditch. Now, Stewart seems more settled. However, with NCAA record-breaker Pat White gone, he'll be driving more of a hybrid. With Jarrett Brown at quarterback, Stewart has recruited more receivers. His staff has installed more of a high-tech passing game. And the hope in Morgantown is that this model will get more mileage over the long haul.

"Daggone, we just have to spread the wealth a little more," says the Mountaineer coach. "We did it (versus North Carolina in the Meineke Car Care Bowl). We had to do more than run (White) in crucial situations. But we are not going to be the BYU of the East."

That's because WVU still has fine tailback Noel Devine. And the 6'4", 221-pound Brown can run as well. But the Mountaineers are determined to show they can pass out of the team's spread offense in 2009. Stewart ordered White to go to the air against UNC, and the result was 332 passing yards and a 31-30 West Virginia win. With Brown, a stronger passer, now under center, expect more of the same this season.

#37 Rutgers Scarlet Knights

Greg Schiano knows he faces a daunting two-fold challenge this fall. Finding a replacement for quarterback Mike Teel, the most accomplished passer in school history, and then somehow filling the void left by Kenny Britt, the best wide receiver Rutgers has ever produced, won't be easy. But the Scarlet Knights' ninth-year head coach knows that if suitable answers are found at both positions, he might be able to finally make good on his hiring-day promise of delivering a championship.

Last season, for the second time in three years, Schiano and Co. essentially fell one play short of winning the Big East. A charter member of the league, which began in 1991, Rutgers has never even earned a piece of the Big East title. But with 13 returning starters from a team that closed out by winning its final seven games — including the program's third-straight bowl victory — there's reason to believe this could be the year.
There are just those two big "ifs."

"I think we'll be fine (at quarterback and wide receiver)," Schiano says, "but until other guys actually go out and do it, you don't know. You've got to hope that you've recruited the right guys and that you've prepared them the best you can and that they're ready to do it when they get their chance. And their chance is now. So we'll see."

The Knights will unveil newly expanded Rutgers Stadium, which now seats 54,000 following a $102 million expansion project, by opening the season with defending Big East champion Cincinnati.

#36 Michigan Wolverines

One year after a 3-9 debacle that had even the most loyal Wolverines rending their maize-and-blue garments and hiding from friends and neighbors of the Spartan persuasion, things ought to be different in Ann Arbor. Let's put it this way: They had better be different, because the patience of Michigan fans and alumni, who have become quite accustomed to huge success after nearly 40 years of the Schembechler Dynasty, is quite thin.

The good news is that after a much crisper spring practice, second-year Wolverines coach Rich Rodriguez can see big changes. The amount of competition for positions increased considerably, the learning curve was lessened greatly, and the execution on both sides of the ball, particularly offense, was much improved. Most important, the Wolverines grew a year older.

"It's quite a big difference from last year," Rodriguez says. "A lot was made then about the change in system, but it was mostly a change in experience. When you make a change with an experienced team, it's easier. When you do it with guys who haven't played, it's a perfect storm. I could sense by the end of the year that the guys were starting to understand."

Before you get too excited about this year, Wolverine fans, keep in mind that there are still some big questions about the team and that competition for the top spot in the Big Ten remains at least a year off. Yes, we know Rodriguez's M.O. He starts off with a clunker and then moves to bigger things. That may well happen this year, but winning the league is almost an impossibility. Michigan is still too young and too thin at many key positions and still in a state of adjustment. Last year, it was a new offense that flummoxed the Wolverines. In 2009, new coordinator Greg Robinson's defense is the culprit. Oh, and the quarterback situation isn't exactly ideal.

Michigan will be better, but greatness remains a long way off.

"There's still going to be some transition," Rodriguez says. "We're going to play a lot more freshmen and redshirt freshmen than we would like to."

#35 South Florida Bulls

The South Florida Bulls have made a meteoric climb to college football's elite level since the program began at the Division I-AA level in 1997. With equal parts imagination, perspiration and inspiration, the Bulls have improved by cashing in on opportunities.

But not last season. It was a step backward.

The Bulls, with 17 returning starters entering a wide-open Big East Conference race, were left wheezing when it was time to hit overdrive. There were early believers as the Bulls took an unbeaten record and a No. 10 national ranking into October, but then came four losses in five conference games. As a result, South Florida slid to a 2-5 mark in the league — losing to Rutgers and Cincinnati for the third-straight season — and it needed a late-season victory against Connecticut to assure the program's fourth-consecutive bowl appearance.

Although the Bulls still have some of the Big East's most talented individual players — such as senior quarterback Matt Grothe and defensive end George Selvie — South Florida is no longer the chic pick to win a title.

But the Bulls aren't standing pat. There are new coordinators in place — familiar face Mike Canales was elevated to offensive coordinator, plus there was the addition of co-defensive coordinators Joe Tresey (Cincinnati) and David Blackwell (Clemson). What's more, coach Jim Leavitt has attracted possibly the most impressive recruiting class in program history.

Once again, there is opportunity. Will South Florida take advantage?

#34 Oregon Ducks

A new era has dawned at Oregon. Mike Bellotti has taken up residence in the athletic director's suite for the Ducks, handing over the reins of the football program after a 14-year run of unprecedented success in Eugene. Now at the helm is Chip Kelly, the wunderkind offensive coordinator with only two years' experience at the FBS level.

While the transition from Bellotti to Kelly was smooth, a new tone has been established around the program. Gone is the easygoing, West Coast personality of Bellotti. In is the gruff, East Coast presence of Kelly.

"It's clearly different," senior tight end Ed Dickson says. "He gets people's attention."

What the Ducks hope won't change is the prolific success of the Oregon offense over the last 20 years, and the run of bowl appearances and national rankings that came along with it. Oregon finished last season ranked 10th in the nation by the Associated Press after surprising Oklahoma State in the Holiday Bowl. For the second straight year, Kelly took an unheralded quarterback — first Dennis Dixon, then Jeremiah Masoli — and developed him into a prolific dual threat in the spread-option offense.

Unlike Dixon, Masoli is back for another season with Kelly. But similar success isn't a sure thing for Oregon in 2009. The Ducks lost three starters from both the offensive line and defensive line, plus all four team captains from last fall. A lack of leadership and experienced line play isn't much of a formula for winning in the Pac-10.

#33 Oregon State Beavers

The entire secondary must be replaced, along with some key starters on the offensive line. The starting quarterback had offseason rotator cuff surgery, and sophomore tailback sensation Jacquizz Rodgers and versatile junior wide receiver James Rodgers both were limited in spring practice by injuries that sidelined them for the Beavers' Sun Bowl victory over Pittsburgh. The Pac-10 schedule isn't favorable, with five road games, including testers at USC, California, Arizona State and Oregon.

So all is doom and gloom at Oregon State, right?

Not so. Ever the optimist, veteran coach Mike Riley sees no real reason why the Beavers' amazing turnaround shouldn't continue and lead to their sixth bowl game appearance in the past seven seasons.
True, many of the standouts from the 2008 club that went 9-4 and fell one game short of OSU's first Rose Bowl appearance since the 1964 season are gone. The Beavers could be hard-pressed to match an unprecedented three-year string of success that's seen them win 28 games overall, 19 games in the Pac-10, and defeat BCS-conference teams in the 2006 Sun (Missouri), 2007 Emerald (Maryland) and 2008 Sun (Pittsburgh) bowls.

But with 10 full- or part-time starters returning, a slew of lettermen and a redshirted 2008 recruiting class available for the Sept. 5 opener against Portland State, there's little reason to believe Oregon State won't be a factor in the Pac-10 race.

"From what I've seen this winter, I'm expecting nothing but good things this year," says right guard Gregg Peat, one of the offensive line's veteran mainstays. "We have a shot at the Pac-10, like we are close to every year. I think this team has the 'finish' mentality."

Riley is 48-28 in his second stint with the Beavers, and 5-0 in bowls. Oregon State is 26-9 since starting the 2006 season at 2-3, and has defeated USC twice and every other team in the Pac-10 at least once during that span.

#32 Stanford Cardinal

There is a buzz building around Jim Harbaugh and the Stanford football program, despite the fact that the Cardinal are just 9-15 in the coach's first two years on The Farm. There is a sense that Stanford is coming — sooner rather than later. It started with the 2007 upset of USC, continued after narrowly missing a bowl game last season and added steam after Harbaugh brought in one of the nation's top recruiting classes for 2009.

The Cardinal may not be ready to contend for the Pac-10 championship just yet, but a winning season and a finish in the upper half of the conference aren't out of the question in 2009.

"This team has an identity," Harbaugh says. "This team is better and has more depth than it has had. We're becoming the strong, blue-collar kind of football team that we envisioned."

Stanford went 5-7 last year but notched quality wins over Oregon State and Arizona and lost close games to Oregon, Notre Dame and UCLA. After the season, Harbaugh reportedly interviewed with the New York Jets and was on the wish list of a handful of other NFL teams.

But Harbaugh stayed put, agreeing to a three-year contract extension and continuing to lay the foundation for a contending team in the Pac-10. But Harbaugh, never afraid to make grandiose statements, wants more than that.

"Our goals next year won't be to get bowl-eligible. It will be BCS-eligible. That's what we will be aiming for," he told reporters following the Cardinal's season-ending loss to Cal.

Stanford needs to simply have a winning season first. With a talented young quarterback and some key returners to a very good defense in place, the Cardinal could finally finish over the break-even mark for the first time since 2001.

#31 North Carolina Tar Heels

As Butch Davis spoke to reporters after North Carolina's annual spring game, a beeping noise rang out relentlessly in the background. It was the sound of construction equipment renovating the Kenan Football Center while adding a floor to the building. The sound is emblematic of UNC's football program these days. As the school moves forward with its plans to augment Kenan Stadium and its surrounding football facilities, Davis continues his quest to build a consistent winner on the field.

Entering his third season at the helm, Davis has constructed a nice foundation. The Tar Heels flipped their regular-season record from 4-8 in 2007 to 8-4 last season, and they played in their first bowl game since 2004 while finishing with a winning record for the first time since 2001.

North Carolina's players believe they are ready to take another step forward in 2009 — "The next step for us is to win the ACC championship," cornerback Kendric Burney says — and they have a league-high nine starters returning on defense to assist them in that endeavor.

But plenty of change looms. The Tar Heels lost several key contributors on offense, including record-breaking wideout Hakeem Nicks, and hired three new assistants (Troy Douglas, Art Kaufman and Allen Mogridge) to replace departing coaches Steve Hagen, John Lovett and Tommy Thigpen. The rebuilding plan remains the same, though, even with some change in on-site supervision.

"We definitely are trying to work as hard as we can," quarterback T.J. Yates says. "We're trying to get to that next level and compete for BCS games and ACC championships."

#30 Michigan State Spartans

With an improving defense and good talent to replenish the quarterback and running back positions, Michigan State is poised to earn a New Year's Day bowl bid for the second straight year, something the Spartans have not done since 1987-88.

"That would be another stepping stone for us, and I think it is definitely possible," says third-year head coach Mark Dantonio.

Every year, Dantonio says the goal is to win a championship. But this season, with Ohio State off the schedule, making a run at a share of the conference title is not out of the question for a team that finished only one game behind the Big Ten champion Buckeyes a year ago.

"I think we are heading towards our ultimate goals," says Dantonio, whose team finished 9-4 last year after a Capital One Bowl loss to Georgia.

"There are some positions where we lost star power. We have got to find guys to come out of the mix there, and I think that will develop in August and then as we get into the first two games."

Gifted sophomores Kirk Cousins and Keith Nichol will take their constructive quarterback competition deep into September, with a two-quarterback system likely for at least part of the season.

The Spartans have a slew of promising tailbacks jockeying to take over for Javon Ringer. The offensive line is the biggest question, with new starters needed at right guard and right tackle after an unspectacular season from that unit, overall, in 2008. Wide receiver and tight end will become areas of strength this year with Keshawn Martin, Mark Dell and Charlie Gantt capable of making runs at All-Big Ten consideration.

Michigan State will have its fastest trio of linebackers this decade, led by junior Greg Jones. He was first-team All-Big Ten as a sophomore. The defensive line will be solid but could use another pass-rusher to complement Trevor Anderson. The rush defense will need to stand up better against the bruising ground attacks of Iowa and Wisconsin, but spread offenses haven't been a problem recently for Michigan State. The Spartan secondary will be among the best in the Big Ten.

#29 Pittsburgh Panthers

An appropriate title for the 2008 Pittsburgh football season would have been "Full Speed Ahead." How else to encapsulate a campaign that featured the most regular-season wins (nine) since 1982, a bowl appearance for the first time in three years, significant road victories at South Florida, Notre Dame and Connecticut and five fourth quarter comebacks?

It was a breakthrough year for coach Dave Wannstedt, who failed to reach a bowl or produce a record better than .500 in his first three seasons. However, he is far from satisfied.

"We have a long way to go," says Wannstedt, who returns 14 starters from his nine-win Sun Bowl team, which ended its resurgent season on a sour note by getting blanked 3-0 by Oregon State in the bowl game. "Getting to nine wins was nice, but it's not a championship. We're all here to win a championship."

Reaching that championship goal will be challenging in 2009, considering that the Panthers lost two stalwarts in All-America linebacker Scott McKillop and record-setting tailback LeSean McCoy, who amassed 2,816 rushing yards and 36 touchdowns in only two seasons.

The Panthers are hoping that new offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti Jr., a Pittsburgh native whose offense at the University of California averaged nearly 33 points per game and had a running back (Jahvid Best) rush for nearly 1,600 yards, will provide an instant jolt. He replaced the oft-criticized Matt Cavanaugh. Wannstedt is also looking for his highly regarded recruiting classes from the past four seasons and his swarming defense to live up to expectations.

#28 Texas Tech Red Raiders

At the start of 2009, it looked like all the magic and goodwill produced by the Red Raiders in an 11-1 regular season last year might turn to dust. What should have been a celebration of one of the best years in the program's history turned into an internal episode of Family Feud.

First, came a 47-34 loss to Ole Miss in the Cotton Bowl, followed a month later by a staredown between the school administration and coach Mike Leach over a contract extension. The testy exchanges led many to believe Tech could actually sever ties with the coach who had just led the Red Raiders to their first Big 12 South co-championship in school history.

But ultimately the school relented and withdrew some late demands in the negotiation. Texas Tech had wanted Leach, a lawyer who attended Pepperdine law school, to pay a $1.5 million penalty if he even talked to another school without permission. Leach balked at the demand. The school later agreed to eliminate the penalty. The school also wanted a $1.5 million buyout if Leach left before the contract was done, but that provision was eliminated as well. The contract has no buyout.

In the end, school officials realized they were going to take a public relations bloodbath if they let Leach go over some contract clauses aimed at forcing his hand. After reaching terms, school officials and Leach said they were thrilled with the coach's new, five-year, $12.7 million deal. But it might take all five years of the contract for both sides to hug it out completely.

#27 Arizona Wildcats

The day before Arizona beat BYU at the 2008 Las Vegas Bowl, Wildcat coach Mike Stoops choked up and wept at a luncheon attended by about 1,000 people. Stoops rarely displayed a softer side in his first five Arizona seasons, developing a reputation for a notable temper after a series of sideline tantrums and practice field outbursts. He described the emotional moment as both "a release and a relief," a reference to the long and difficult process of reconstructing Arizona's football program.

"I don't think anyone thought it would take as long as it did," Stoops says. "I have really gained an appreciation for what it takes to put together a winning football team. It was quite an ordeal."

Stoops is 25-34 at Arizona, but he likes to say that a more accurate gauge is that his team is 19-18 over the last three seasons, a period in which the Wildcats beat No. 2 Oregon and No. 8 Cal.

After the Wildcats' bowl victory, Stoops was awarded a contract extension through 2013, and his assistants received salary increases.

"Our progress can be shown in our home attendance, which has been above 50,000 in each of Mike's seasons," says Arizona athletic director Jim Livengood. "And it is very clear that we are competitive, no matter who we've played."

Indeed, a year before Stoops was hired, Arizona lost games by scores of 59-7, 59-13, 52-23 and 45-0. Last season, Arizona almost shocked USC, losing 17-10. It was the second straight year in which the Arizona-USC game was undecided until the final minute. USC beat Arizona 20-13 in 2007. "We've got better players, one through 85, than we've had since I came here," says Stoops. "Our first 40 players are better than they've ever been. We expect to be good."

#26 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

Almost no one knew what to expect from Georgia Tech in 2008. A year later, everyone seems to have a pretty good idea: The Jackets figure to be among the top teams in the ACC and will likely be ranked in several top 25 polls in the preseason. "I'm not worried about that," second-year coach Paul Johnson says. "Nobody's going to have any higher expectations than I do."

After playing in Chan Gailey's pro-style attack for six years, the Yellow Jackets were expected to struggle making the transition to Johnson's option-based spread offense that produced gaudy numbers at Navy. Instead, Georgia Tech went 9-4 and beat archrival Georgia — in Athens — for the first time since 2000.

Georgia Tech returns 16 starters from that nine-win team and should be stronger in every position group except along the defensive line. The notable returnees include tailback Jonathan Dwyer, who last fall became the first sophomore to win ACC Player of the Year honors, quarterback Josh Nesbitt and safety Morgan Burnett.

The offense, which ranked fourth in the country in rushing and first in the ACC in average yards per game, will likely expand its passing game. "We're trying to evolve in the playbook," Dwyer says. "You really don't know how big it can be."

NC State Football Center by maggieandcharles

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ysr wikipedia

ysr wikipedia has been in the news show today so i thought you may need to learn about it here.

Satyam - The Insider Story of the biggest ever Corporate Indian Fiasco - As you are reading this article, you would have already known most facts about Satyam - one of the leading IT giants founded in India in the year 1987, by Ohio University MBA graduate - Ramalinga Raju. What started in 1987 from a small office of 20 employees in Hyderabad, providing onsite back-end services to a tractor manufacturer - John Deere & Co - which in itself was the first of its kind in India Inc - the first ever off-shore BPO deal, had grown to be one of India's leading IT giants offering services to over 600 global clients out of which over 150 were global Fortune 500 companies. However, what remained constant with Raju - the founder chairman of Satyam, meaning truth, right from his childhood till today, has been just one thing - GREED!

For more information on Ramalinga Raju visit http://www.iloveindia.com/indian-heroes/ramalinga-raju.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramalinga_Raju

Born to a farmer Byrraju Satyanarayana Raju in a remote Andhra Pradesh village in India called Bhimavaram, Raju graduated from Ohio University with a MBA in the early 70s. While he was in the US, he developed an interest for the then nascent Information Technology and Back Office Processing Industry and wanted to try his hand post his return to India. However, before he founded Satyam in the year 1987, he had already tried his hands in a few of the other industries like textiles and construction. Ramalinga Raju imbibed most of his characteristics from his father - Satyanarayana. The most striking of these unique characteristics are - a penchant to run a business, to be focused and to avoid any and all distractions, to try and attempt something new and different every time and above all a strong desire to own up as much as land as possible. It is this greed of land of Raju that has contributed in bringing about the biggest ever $1 Billion Corporate Scam in India Inc's history. Incidentally Raju's father shifted from Bhimavaram village to Hyderabad in the early 60s with the intention of starting his own business. Once shifted he did start up his own textile business and at the same time started buying as much as agricultural land as possible using the profits that his textile company made. Raju has admitted in the past that he derives his true inspiration from his dad and what a fatal co-incidence it is that Raju followed his dad's footsteps and started diverting the funds that his IT company Satyam earned towards buying his own land just like his father diverted the profits that he earned from his textile company to buy Agricultural land in his native village.

For Raju it was family, caste and his mother tongue Telugu always came first and foremost. This attitude of Ramalinga Raju was the key differentiator between Satyam Computer Services and other major IT giants like Infosys, Wipro and TCS. When it came to hiring executives for Satyam, Raju is believed to have always preferred people who either belonged to his own caste or at least those who could speak Telugu ahead of educational background and sufficient skill sets. What also differentiated Satyam from its other competitors have been Raju's continued interests in other businesses. Satyam's attempt to buy two of the Maytas companies owned by his sons - Teja Raju and Rama Raju, is not the first of its kind. In the year 1998, Satyam was accused of diverting funds to Satyam Constructions Ltd., apart from being accused of floating a clutch of other companies like Satyam Infoway and Satyam Enterprises. Owing to widespread investor ire, Satyam finally had to give-up and these companies were either merged back to Satyam Computer Services or sold-off. However, Ramalinga Raju's never ending and insatiable desire to own land - like his father - brought him back to the real estate business and he eventually ended up creating a group called Maytas - which is actually Satyam written backwards. Maytas Properties Ltd was managed by Ramalinga Raju's son Teja Raju and Maytas Infra Ltd by his other son Rama Raju.

If the findings of the Times of India, in their 8th January 2009 issue (Article Titled: Nowhere to Land, Page 21) are to be believed, huge funds from the actual earnings of Satyam Computer Services have been diverted into both the Maytas companies which in turn used these funds to buy land all over Andhra Pradesh. Whatever Ramalinga Raju earned through Satyam, he poured into buying land all over Hyderabad. What Raju did simultaneously was he befriended the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister in the early 2000s, Chandrababu Naidu which helped Raju a great deal in acquiring the land wherever he wanted. In 2004, the current Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy was elected and became the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. YSR Reddy distanced himself from all Chandrababu Naidu loyalists - except Ramalinga Raju. However, this distinction did not come to Raju for free. Ramalinga Raju had to pay a heavy price to win the loyalty of the current CM. However, till date nobody but Raju himself knows what that heavy price was. YSR Reddy had a policy of boosting real estate in Andhra Pradesh which satisfied Raju's desire to acquire land perfectly. As land prices continued to touch sky high and beyond, Raju grew richer. But Raju went one step further and did not stop at just acquiring vacant lands and converting them into mints. With his IT credential overpowering, he pushed the Andhra Pradesh government in building modern landmarks like malls, multiplexes, etc in and around the land owned by Ramalinga Raju. The availability of funds for the Maytas' companies was so enormous that when all the other bidders of government contracts asked for 'visibility gap' funding, Maytas' offered to pay the entire amount upfront in cash! In July 2007, one of the Maytas concerns - Maytas Infra Ltd., bagged the contract to construct the Hyderabad Metro Project which was managed by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation headed by E Sreedharan. But the AP Government's decision to award the Metro project to Maytas was questioned by DMRC Chief Sreedharan! E Sreedharan had alleged in September 2007 that Maytas Infra to whom the project was awarded might have some kind of hidden agenda. It later came to light, that the hidden agenda of Maytas Infra was indeed to divert the route of the Hyderabad Metro Rail project towards those places where Maytas Properties owned lands. However, because of the stronghold Raju had in the AP government, DMRC was removed from its position as consultant of the prestigious project.

The higher you climb, the deeper is the pitfall. Ramalinga Raju's obsession to own all the land that Andhra Pradesh and especially Hyderabad can offer him - finally brought the curtains down on his illustrious career which started from a tiny village called Bhimavaram and abruptly ended in "Cyberabad" from a 'Successful IT Entrepreneur' to a mere 'Conman & Fraud'. Thus is the fate of Greed!

More information on the Satyam fiasco can be found in the archive section of the Times of India! Go to http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Archive section and look for the 8th January 2009 issue. You can then navigate through the entire paper to find articles related to Satyam. There were a series of articles written on the subject in the Times of India between the 8th of January 2009 and 11th of January 2009 which is also available in the above website.